Top Czech manufacturer
of heat pumps since 1994

Already 31 years we design, manufacture and distribute complete range of heat pumps. Every one of them is made in the Czech Republic, EU. Our heat pumps are used by many thousands of satisfied customers across the whole world.

Why choose us?

These 6 reasons will convince you.
  • A tradition since 1994 A tradition since 1994 We are here for more than 30 years, having more than 10 000 satisfied customers around the whole world.
  • Service and warranty Service and warranty We offer 24/7 online heat pump monitoring and an extended 3/7-year warranty with unlimited coverage (depends on the market).
  • Comprehensive and smart solution Comprehensive and smart solution With us, you get a heating system, not just a separate heat source.
  • Awards and certificates Awards and certificates Our pumps are some of the most prized, both domestically and abroad.
  • Quality and innovation Quality and innovation We are among the pioneers in the development of electronic coolant injection (EEV), continuous regulation of compressor performance (inverter) or software for controlling heating circuits.
  • Exported worldwide Exported worldwide We export more than 70 % of our production, mostly to western Europe: the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland etc.

Ask us anything

Want to get a quote? Want to ask about a Master Therm heat pump you already have? Want to cooperate with us? Or just need an information about heat pumps? Leave us your message and we will get back to you.

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