
University Hospital Limerick – New Covid Critical Care Ward

This rapid build Critical Care Unit was built from start to finish in just 12 weeks. MasterTherm were directly involved in the design of the heat pump plant room, working along side the Team at Don O’Malley & Partners, allowing for future expansion of the building. The system consists of 6 no. 35 kW inverter driven air-source heat pumps BA60i, working in conjunction with 2 No. 75 kW high temperature heat recovery heat pumps AQ75ZHX. The air source system provides all space heating for the building via UFH and Air Handling Units and also serves as a heat source for the high temperature heat pumps which serve 2 no. 1000 litre fast-recovery calorifiers at 75 deg C, easily meeting the minimum HSE water temperature criteria. Even though the building is a rapid-build hospital unit, it meets new NZEB (Near Zero Energy Buildings) criteria with ease.

Plant Details:

  • Heat pump type:    6 × BA60i , 2 × AQ75ZHX
  • Heating output:   210 kW + 150 kW
  • COP DHW heating:   95 kW
  • SCOP space heating: 6.01
  • EER Cooling: 4.01

Property of Thermal Earth Ltd., UK distributor of Master Therm heat pumps.

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